I have found myself in the throes of regret and blame these last four months. I want to return to a difficult time and remake the decision that placed me here. My mind traces each detail of my decision and we both nod in agreement that it was the best thing to do. Yet, I know now that I was mistaken, and somehow the possibilities of the other decision are floating away as my limited time teases me and mocks my very existence. "Damn the recession and the baby boomers!"
The part of me that wasn't consulted remains quiet and reminds me that the road not taken is just that, not taken. It quotes the Tao and waits. "When it blows, there is only wind; when it rains, there is only rain; when the clouds pass, the sun shines through."
Onion compresses, when
Clay or Comfrey are not
around wounds so deep.
Stairs climb shadows
unable to descend.
An interested friend lays
treasures at my feet.
Hoist an infant, chastise
a child, hold fast. Your
Grit will determine at birth,
your Pitfalls bleed blame.
A new face causes eyes to
squint. Nothing is the same.